A line of credit gives you access to funds up to your credit limit which can be borrowed and paid back multiple times while only paying interest on the money you borrow. This is a flexible and typically unsecured way to borrow money for seasonal businesses or businesses that need help managing cash flow or handling unexpected expenses.
All LOCs consist of a set amount of money that can be borrowed as needed, paid back, and borrowed again. The amount of interest, size of payments, and other rules are set by the lender. Some LOCs allow you to write checks (drafts), while others include a type of credit or debit card. A line of credit can be secured (by collateral) or unsecured, with unsecured LOCs, typically subject to higher interest rates.
The LOC has built-in flexibility, which is its main advantage. Borrowers can request a certain amount, but they do not have to use it all. Rather, they can tailor their spending from the LOC to their needs and owe interest only on the amount that they draw, not on the entire credit line. In addition, borrowers can adjust their repayment amounts as needed based on their budget or cash flow. They can repay, for example, the entire outstanding balance all at once or just make the minimum monthly payments.
Best for:
Short term needs
Seasonal business to manage cash flow
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